About Us
Working together for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly Newham​
Sustainable Newham exists to provide coordination and support to people and organisations in Newham who are actively running or planning environmental or sustainability projects.

Our Story
The idea for Sustainable Newham came from people involved with Newham's Community Assemblies who noticed that most ideas that were put forward for funding were concerned with improving the local community and environment. We quickly realised that a little bit of help, information and coordination might make it easier for residents to get their projects off the ground and make them sustainable.
Over the past year, we have seen new environmental projects that have greatly enhanced the area. Now that projects are in place, and more are in the process of securing funds, everybody would benefit from some coordination and better networking to make sure that efforts are not duplicated, funds go further, projects are maintained and made sustainable, and groups and activists can learn from each other to make a better impact.
Sustainable Newham will provide a forum for everyone to share, and a platform to coordinate action.
This may include:
communications via this website plus electronic newsletter and notice board to help everyone exchange ideas
information on news and funding opportunities
networking events in different locations to exchange ideas and provide updates (with speakers to keep everyone energised and mobilised)
an access point for potential volunteers from the community
training and learning opportunities for activists and community groups
Sustainable Newham is hosted by One Newham, the partnership network for community and voluntary organisations.
The steering group
A small steering group has agreed to drive Sustainable Newham. The group is open to members, so please contact us if you are interested in joining.
The steering group members are:
Cody Dock
Cathy Stack, Eco7
Friends of West Ham Park
Newham Nature Network
One Newham
Newham Wellness
Rosie Whicheloe